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Content writing

How does content affect positively your image useful to you...

  • It attracts new traffic. If you're guest posting or just producing content on your own blog, people will be more likely to find you and click through to your site. You can also encourage further site interactions by interlinking your blog posts with other pieces of onsite content.
  • It builds your reputation. The more people see your content, the more they'll remember your brand and the higher your reputation with those individuals will be.
  • It encourages trust and faith in your brand. When a visitor stumbles on your site for any reason, your content can secure his/her confidence in your brand, so long as that content is authoritative, helpful, and well-written overall.
  • It can influence conversions. Again assuming that your content is well-written, a well-placed call to action embedded in your content can encourage direct conversions, resulting in more average revenue for every visitor on your site.
  • It can help you build relationships with other online brands and industries.
  • It can make you a separate stream of revenue. If your content is strong enough, you can feature it as a separate service from your company, such as an extended whitepaper or eBook.
  • Content helps SEO by providing more web "real estate" and increasing your domain authority.
  • It can enhance the value of your landing page and other web pages.
  • It provides source material for a social media marketing campaign.
  • It can encourage more email signups and be used as the basis for an email marketing campaign.


Clear, actionable, step-by-step tips to help you:

  • Develop a high-impact content strategy
  • Assemble an agile content team supported by co-workers, freelancers, and industry influences
  • Create high-impact content that gets discovered and shared
  • Amplify your content through the right delivery channels so you reach the right people at the right times
  • Maximize conversions so that every piece of content is bringing your buyers closer to making a purchase
  • Manage and measure your content marketing so you are able to continuously improve.
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