Become online Trariner

Your Website/Blog

  • Create an attractive banner of your course and put it on your blog.
  • Write a effective script and post on your blog. 
  • Content is most useful thing for marketing, so Be careful with content and post.Because you can start to build solid search engine optimization for your keywords. The secret is to offer quality informational content daily.
  • Not sure what to write about? You can offer sneak peeks at the progress of your get the idea.
  • Do posts regularly and give weekly progress report in your blog.
  • Involve more and more readers by these posts and Take their reviews to let them feel connected with you.
  • optimize your blog for search engines. Use WordPress, and redirect it to your domain.
  • When you publish a new topic in your course, update piece of content in blog and immediately post it to the social-media networks that you've already set up including Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
  • Integrate the WordPress blog comments with Facebook comments so you can have one set of comments for both posts.
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Kachhua gives platform to Teach ,Learn and Grow.
Kachhua © 2015