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Direct Marketing

Good direct marketing campaigns focus on promoting a specific product or service, and call on your customers to act- to receive further information, register their interest, visit your website, make a booking or a purchase.

Direct marketing gives you the opportunity to promote your products and services directly to the customers who most need them.

A good direct marketing campaign will:

  • Help you to build relationships with new customers
  • Test the appeal of your product or service
  • Tell you which marketing approaches reach your target market
  • Provide customers with compelling content they can share with potential customers
  • Increase sales.


How To do Direct Marketing

  • Direct Method :
  1. As an author you can conduct seminar and promote your Online course
  2. You should print your visiting card and give to your all contacts so they can know about your course and they will share information with others.
  3. Put your pamphlet in newspaper in which all the information of your course including link and your contact.
  4. You can also give advertise in your local TV channel and promote your course.
  5. If you are teacher then you can give information to students about your course.
  6. You can put a banner at all the study area in your city.
  7. You can leave a short message including to all the contacts of telephone directory.
  8. You can also visit the schools and colleges to promote your course.
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